News and Resources
Partnerships for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS)
PINS is a new project which builds on the Autism in Schools model of improving schools experiences for SEND children by focusing on a whole school and community approach. Read more about what we're doing with 16 schools in East Sussex.
Autism in Schools
Read about a new project called Autism in Schools underway in schools in East Sussex, which aims to improve school experiences for autistic children and young people.
Communication while on CAMHS waiting lists
ESPCF has published the findings of its poll asking parent carers about their experiences of communication from CAMHS while on a waiting list for autism or ADHD assessment, and mental health support.
Parent carer survey 2023-24: report of findings
ESPCF has published the results of its parent carer survey 2023-2024. The overall message is that families are not receiving the SEND support that their children are entitled to, and parent carers continue to face battles for their child's needs to be met. Read more.
Job opportunity: Engagement worker
An exciting opportunity to come and work with us on two key projects as an engagement worker.
East Sussex commissioning update
ESPCF meets every half term with the SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities) commissioning team at East Sussex County Council. It’s an opportunity to hear updates and share feedback. Read our latest update.