ESPCF Newsletters

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Published on 17 July 2023

Our summer newsletter is out now and it’s the easiest way to keep in touch with what we’re doing. This edition is packed with news and updates including:

  • home to school transport
  • school workstreams on transition from primary to secondary, and a parent carer school charter
  • all the feedback from our recent events (early years, post-16, neurodevelopmental pathway, specialist facilities in mainstream schools)
  • the impact of the parent carer voice
  • developing a new ESPCF website and how you can help
  • the results of our poll asking if we are doing a good job
  • improving the SEND patient experience at MRI appointments

Don’t forget that our temperature check is still live. Tell us how things are going in terms of education, health, and social care for your child or young person – the link is in the newsletter.

There’s also news about sensory theatre in Sussex, helping future doctors learn about autism, how to get involved in Family Hubs which are replacing Children’s Centres, and new webinars from CAMHS to help support your child with their mental health.


kids lying in field
Published on 31 March 2023

Have a read of our bumper spring 2023 edition, which includes:

  • a summary of our parent carer sessions with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • our report on the new upcoming NHS keyworker service for children with complex mental health needs
  • what to expect and how families can share their views during an Ofsted & CQC area SEND inspection
  • a statement from the local authority about diagnosing dyslexia
  • news about our new drop-in sessions
  • and more…
Published on 24 November 2022
Loads of updates and information to share in our autumn winter newsletter, including:
  • our statement on the new East Sussex SEND strategy for 2022-25
  • parent carer feedback on short breaks and respite
  • how to attend our focus group on adult social care
  • all the work happening to support families with children and young people with neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD, autism, foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, tics and Tourette Syndrome, and others
  • new guidance on emotionally based school avoidance

We also share information on where to get help with the cost-of-living crisis, mental health support, feedback from our recent sleep sessions, and plenty more.

Do have a read – it’s the best way to keep in touch with our work.