Managing a Meltdown – A Parents’ Guide


ESPCF has coproduced with East Sussex healthcare and education services a leaflet to help parent carers manage before, during, and after their child or young person has a meltdown.

Download the Managing a Meltdown leaflet – A Parents’ Guide (PDF)

It was produced by a working group called APRIG, which stands for Autism Pathway Review and Implementation Group, and its members include ESPCF, NHS East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group, and ISEND.

The aim of the group is to review and consider feedback about what is called the Autism pathway – the processes and support in place for autistic children and their families – as well as looking at specific pieces of related work, such as this leaflet.

If members would like to find out more about the work of APRIG and how parent carers can get involved, please get in touch via the contact details below.